Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Developments of Taiwan Politics

Stanford ChinaRains (

New Developments of Taiwan Politics and

Relations of Taiwan, Mainland China and U.S.


Huang, Ching-lung

Vice President of the China Times in Taiwan

Visiting Fellow of Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies of Brookings Institution

Thursday, April 24, 6:30-8:30pm

Room 313, School of Education

485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

Location Map:

Working language: Chinese

Dinner or pizza or snacks will be served depending on the headcount,

Please RSVP to the link below by Wednesday noon

Outline of the Talk:

From a review of the recent presidential election in Taiwan, Mr. Huang will share with us his insights in the development of Taiwan politics, its relations with the mainland and the U.S., and the stories of political leaders in Taiwan.

Bio. Of Mr. Huang:

Mr. Huang is the vice president of Taiwan’s leading daily newspaper, the China Times, and has also served as reporter and editor-in-chief. As a distinguished journalist on politics, He is an expert on the development of media in the PRC, and his research at Brookings focuses on the role of the media in Taiwan’s democratization process.

Ling Yang and Hao Yan
ChinaRains at Stanford University

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