Stanford ChinaRains (,
Unlocking Modern Chinese History:
Chiang Kai-shek (蒋介石), T. V. Soong(宋子文),
and Nationalist History Research
Unlocking Modern Chinese History:
Chiang Kai-shek (蒋介石), T. V. Soong(宋子文),
and Nationalist History Research
Saturday, March 24, 1:00 PM
@ Nairobi Room
2nd floor
750 Escondido Road, Stanford, CA 94305
Speaker: Kuo, Tai-chun
Research Fellow
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Outline of the Talk:
The Hoover Institution is building the largest, probably the most unique Chinese archives and special materials collection. These valuable historical materials include party archives of the Kuomintang (KMT) and private papers of top Chinese leaders in the 20th and 21st centuries, such as diaries of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) and Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國), private papers of T. V. Soong (宋子文), K’ung Hsiang-his (孔祥熙), Chang Chia-ngau (張嘉璈), Huang Fu (黃孚), Chen Du-xiu (陳獨秀), Ying Hai-guang (殷海光), etc.
Hoover Institution’s historical papers record the arguments and different opinions held by Chinese leaders and elites in the 20th century China. The availability of these documents has brought up a reassessment and a re-interpretation of important events and political leaders of modern China. With a growing interest in the West and East to understand China, these historical papers provide an understanding of the new forces at work in Taiwan and China that have roots in the 20th century.
The talk will focus on Chiang Kai-shek and T. V. Soong based on their personal records now preserved at Hoover Institution.
Bio. Of Prof. Kuo:
Tai-chun Kuo is Research Fellow at Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Prior to this position, she was a Visiting Lecturer at Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University (2003) and Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University (Taiwan, 1997-2000). She served as Press Secretary to the ROC President (1990-1995), Deputy Director-General of the First Bureau of the Presidential Office (1989-1997), Director of the ROC Government Information Office in Boston (1987-1988).
In addition to researches, since 2003, she has assisted the Hoover Institution Archives to develop its Modern China Archives and Special Collections.
Her major publications include T. V. Soong in Modern Chinese History, China’s Quest for Unification, National Security, and Modernization, Breaking with the Past: China’s First Market Economy, Watching Communist China, 1949-79: A Methodological Review of China Studies in the United States of America and Taiwan, The Power and Personality of Mao Tse-tung, etc.
Xiaobin He, Xiaoling Zhou & Hao Yan
ChinaRains at Stanford
@ Nairobi Room
2nd floor
750 Escondido Road, Stanford, CA 94305
Speaker: Kuo, Tai-chun
Research Fellow
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Outline of the Talk:
The Hoover Institution is building the largest, probably the most unique Chinese archives and special materials collection. These valuable historical materials include party archives of the Kuomintang (KMT) and private papers of top Chinese leaders in the 20th and 21st centuries, such as diaries of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) and Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國), private papers of T. V. Soong (宋子文), K’ung Hsiang-his (孔祥熙), Chang Chia-ngau (張嘉璈), Huang Fu (黃孚), Chen Du-xiu (陳獨秀), Ying Hai-guang (殷海光), etc.
Hoover Institution’s historical papers record the arguments and different opinions held by Chinese leaders and elites in the 20th century China. The availability of these documents has brought up a reassessment and a re-interpretation of important events and political leaders of modern China. With a growing interest in the West and East to understand China, these historical papers provide an understanding of the new forces at work in Taiwan and China that have roots in the 20th century.
The talk will focus on Chiang Kai-shek and T. V. Soong based on their personal records now preserved at Hoover Institution.
Bio. Of Prof. Kuo:
Tai-chun Kuo is Research Fellow at Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Prior to this position, she was a Visiting Lecturer at Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University (2003) and Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University (Taiwan, 1997-2000). She served as Press Secretary to the ROC President (1990-1995), Deputy Director-General of the First Bureau of the Presidential Office (1989-1997), Director of the ROC Government Information Office in Boston (1987-1988).
In addition to researches, since 2003, she has assisted the Hoover Institution Archives to develop its Modern China Archives and Special Collections.
Her major publications include T. V. Soong in Modern Chinese History, China’s Quest for Unification, National Security, and Modernization, Breaking with the Past: China’s First Market Economy, Watching Communist China, 1949-79: A Methodological Review of China Studies in the United States of America and Taiwan, The Power and Personality of Mao Tse-tung, etc.
Xiaobin He, Xiaoling Zhou & Hao Yan
ChinaRains at Stanford
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