Saturday, May 14, 2011

Film Screening & Discussion: Popular Democracy in Contemporary China

Over the last few weeks, a wave of popular unrests and calls for democracy has swept the Middle East. Most recently, this wave has spread to China, when organized small-scale popular protests unnerve the Chinese public. What is the situation of democracy in China? How do the grassroots population approach the question and practice of democracy?

At this interesting historical moment, Chinarains is going to organize a special event to help understand the situation of popular democracy in contemporary China through screening a documentary film “Please Vote for Me”, which tells an intriguing story of a kids election in an elementary school in urban central China. Directed by Chen Weijun, this 2007 documentary has won a series of awards in international film festivals. Meanwhile, we have invited Wang Rui, Ph.D. candicate at Communication Department at Stanford to introduce the film and lead discussions. Wang Rui specializes in deliberative democracy, democratic experiment and practice in China.

Following is the information of the event:

When: March 5, 2011. Satuday. 2:30--4:00 p.m.
Where: Nairobi Room, 2nd Floor, Graduate Community Center. (750 Escondido Road, Stanford)
What: Film-Screening of “Please Vote For Me” (57 minutes)
Discussion with Wang Rui (30 minutes)
Language: Film- Chinese Dialogue with English Subtitles
Discussion in English.

For further information about the film, please refer to
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