The Secret History of Sino-Japanese Relations:
CCP & KMT's Post War Employment of Japanese Human Resources
"Bai Tuan" And Chiang's Changing Policies toward Japan
Xijun Lu
Professor of International Relations
Daito Bunka University
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010
Meyer Library, Room 143
560 Escondido Mall (Map:
Working language: Chinese
Outline of The Talk:
Since the release of diaries of Chiang Kai-shek, some popular media including Phoenix Satellite TV has reported how Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT authorities used “Bai Tuan”, a group of former Japanese military officers, to aid military training in the 1950s. There have on-going debates on this issue ever since, especially on the Internet. In fact, not only Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT used the defeated Japanese, Mao and the CCP did as well. Nor was the beginning of this practice 1950. It was rather in 1945, the year when the War of Resistance against Japan ended, that both parties started to use the defeated Japanese. Professor Lu, who has been studying the employment of the defeated Japanese since 2002, will give us a talk on the following issues:
随着蒋介石日记的开放和 凤凰卫视等媒体的报道,有关蒋介石和国民党当局1950年代曾利用日本旧军官组成的“白团”帮助军 事训练的议论,成为近日互联网的一个热点。其实,以“留用” 的名义使战败的日本人为我所用的,不仅是蒋介石和国民党,还有毛泽东和共产党;双方各自留用日本人的起点,也不是1950年, 而是抗日战争刚刚结束的1945年。早在2002年 就开始研究留用日本人问题的鹿锡俊教授,将在报告中着重谈论以下内容:
一.“残留日本人”与 “留用日本人”的区别
The distinction between the staying Japanese and the employed Japanese
二.共产党统治区是如何 留用日本人的?
How did the CCP use the Japanese?
三.国民党统治区是如何 留用日本人的?
How did the KMT use the Japanese?
四.国共两党在前期对日 政策上的異同
Differences and similarities between CCP and KMT’s policies toward Japan
五.“白团”及迁台初期 蒋介石的转折
“Bai Tuan” and Chiang’s turning point in the early years in Taiwan
Implications of the study
Bio of The Speaker:
Professor Lu got two Ph.Ds from the faculty of history at Fudan University and the faculty of law at Hitotsubashi University respectively. He was a professor at Japan’s University of Shimane, and served as reviewer of the Japanese Association of International Relations, before his current professorship at Daito Bunka University. He is also director of the “China Politics and Diplomacy History” lecture series at Hitotsubashi University, distinguished research fellow at the Korean Studies Center at Fudan University, and visiting professor at the Center of ROC Studies at Nanjing University. He has been visiting at the Hoover Institution since April 2009. His main research interest is East Asian international relations and Sino-Japan diplomatic history. Many of his works are published in top journals such as Modern History Studies and History Studies. In recent years, Professor Lu has been chosen as head researcher for many important projects sponsored by various academic foundations including Japan Society for The Promotion of Science. This talk represents preliminary results from one of Professor Lu's on-going projects, "Japanese Human Resources And China's Post-War Reconstruction".
鹿锡俊教 授先后毕 业于中國復 旦大學歷史系博士課程和日本一橋大學法學部博士課程,双双獲得博士學位。
歷任日本島根縣立大學教授、日本國際政治學會評議員等,現任日本大東文化 大學“東亞政治與國際關係”教授,同時负责日本一橋大學“中國政治外交史”讲座,并兼任中國復旦大學韓國朝鮮研究中心特聘研究員、南京大學中華民國史研究 中心客座教授等。2009年4月起任斯坦福大学胡佛研究院访问学者。
主要研究方向為東亞國際關係與中日政治外交史,已发表的相关论著有:《中國國民政府的對日政策:1931-1933》(東京大學出版會、2001年);《蒋 介石的中日蘇關係観與“制俄攘日”戦略》(2003年);《國 民政府留用日本技術人員的政策過程》(2006年);《日 本的國際戰略與中日戰爭的擴大化》(2007年); 《戰爭的世界化與中國的國際解決戰略》(2007年); 《中國問題與日本1941年的開戰決策――以日方檔案為依據 的再確認》(2008年), 《國民政府對歐戰及結盟問題的應對》(2008年)、 《蔣介石與1935年中日蘇關係的轉折》(2009年)等。 这些研究成果大多发表在《近代史研究》與《歷史研究》等頂級雜誌。
近年多次被遴選為日本學術振興會等各种學術基金重點研究課題的主持人。本 次報告的內容即為正在進行之中的研究課題“日本的人力資源與戰後中國的重構”的階段性成果。
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